Why Google’s New Search Algorithm Doesn’t Suck


Da AD Digital un articolo, a firma Bernhard Warner, sugli sviluppi degli algoritmi di Google e come questi possano essere utili per aumentare la visibilità e il valore del Brand, grazie anche alla produzione di contenuti di qualità Una tesi tutto sommato accoglibile, anche se rimane il dubbio sul fatto che a decidere la bontà o meno di un sito sia un soggetto unico, oltretutto privato.

How the Changes May Help Brands if They’re Producing Good Content

If the early reports are anything to go by, there are few winners in Google’s now infamous search algorithm revamp from late last month, but many casualties. Traffic is down most everywhere, the story goes, and some publishers are even forced to lay off staff. So soon? How can this be?

Google promised the changes would mercifully relegate content farms, scraper pirates and blatant SEO whores to secondary pages, and, in turn, reward high-quality sites rich in original content. As Google explained, “We believe it’s a big step in the right direction of helping people find ever higher quality in our results.” Sounds noble enough. Instead, we hear groans that Google’s discriminatory spiders are putting a new breed of publishers out of business and they are rewarding the big guys, mainstream media. The Online Publishers Association, which counts many of the world’s largest newspapers and magazine publishers as members, reckons the Google algorithm change will redistribute $1 billion in revenue in a great “flight to quality” away from content farms like Mahalo.com, Associated Content and Wisegeek.com. Ouch.

Big media isn’t the only one who stands to benefit though. The SEO changes bare promise for the newest of the new breed publishers, too. Yep, I’m referring to brands and organizations-turned-publishers. I’ve seen the effect firsthand with a client we work with here in Rome, the Vatican. Specifically, the Vatican’s travel arm, Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi, or ORP.

In November, we introduced a social aspect to the launch of an historic exhibition of the Vatican Library, co-organized by ORP and the Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana itself. On the day the exhibit opened I blogged, Tweeted and posted to Flickr and Facebook photos and descriptions of the ancient texts, maps and manuscripts in the collection that are on display for the general public to see for the first time in the 525-year history of the biblioteca del Papa, as… continua a leggere qui